Window Cleaning

Traditional Window Cleaning

Traditional window cleaning consists of using a mild soap solution in combination with soft micro-fiber applicator and rubber squeegee to remove surface dirt from the window surface.

Water Fed Pole Pure Water Cleaning

The Water Fed Pole System involves the use of telescopic poles and nearly 100% pure water. The chemically pure water (over 99.9% pure H2o) is obtained by using reverse osmosis equipment and deionization filters. Superiority over traditional cleaning is achieved due to the sterile state the windows are left in after pure water cleaning, making future dirt contamination a much slower process. Traditional detergent cleaning leaves a sticky residue, allowing dirt contamination to return much more quickly.

Sill & Track Cleaning

This service is always included with or normal cleaning process. The process includes cleaning the outer portion of the window frame where the window slides or where the window sits flushed when closed. Use of soft brushes, sprayers and towels will ensure the best result possible. *Some sills & tracks that are excessively dirty and have been neglected may be subject to an additional service charge.

Glass Scraping

This service is included with our normal glass cleaning process when necessary. Specialized razor blades are used to remove stickers, paint, silicone, or foreign materials that cannot be removed by conventional means. Occasionally poor manufacturing can leave the composition of the glass soft or with raised imperfections and can result in the glass surface being scratched. *Clear View cannot be held responsible for any scratches that occur due to manufacturer coatings or imperfections.

Screen Cleaning

This service is optional. Includes screen frame and mesh thoroughly cleaned with soft brush and soap solution. Screens will be rinsed and dried. *We request that screens be removed and replaced by homeowner. An additional service charge will be applied for our crew to remove and replace window screens.

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